Since yesterday was Halloween, Bryce had a Halloween party at school. I dressed Bryce up in his costum along with Jayden and we went trick or treating around Lesterville with the preschool and Parents As Teachers groups. Bryce loved it. As for Jayden he got bored with it really quick and it was way toooooo much walking for him.... When we got back to school all the elementary students lined up by grade level to parade down the High School hallways to show off their costumes. Bryce asked every high schooler he saw for some candy. Then it was off to the preschool classroom for the Halloween party. Bryce along with 19 other kids, his class, played hot pumpkin, and a relay game where they form 2 lines and everyone spreads their legs and the person at the end of the line crawls through everyones legs and so until everyone had a turn. After that the kids ate cupcakes, Halloween Oreo Cookies, candy, and drank Kool-Aid. Later that night we went door to door trick or treating around Oates. My dad, and Sister Sarah, went with us for a little while until they had to leave to go to Church with the youth.... What a fun day/night.......
*Bryce was Spiderman *Jayden was a Dragon
WE GOT LOTS AND I MEAN LOTS OF CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
*Bryce was Spiderman *Jayden was a Dragon
WE GOT LOTS AND I MEAN LOTS OF CANDY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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