Sunday, March 16, 2008

Sleep Tight!!!

After a long day playing with Nikki (a friend from church who is watching Jayden while my mom and dad are in China) and then coming home and playing with his brother Bryce, Jayden was ready for a nice warm bath and bed.

Jayden has to sleep with something in his bed because he likes to cuddle. If he doesn't have anything to cuddle with he is up off and on all night and in and out of my bed. So first, he was sleeping with and baby doll his Aunt Sarah let him borrow. Then when I went to Wal-Mart I bought in a boy baby doll to sleep with, he ended up wanting one on each side of him. So the other night when I checked on him, before I myself crawled into bed, I found him cuddled up with "Woolfie."

"Wolfie" is a stuffed wolf that my mom and dad had bought Bryce a while back when we went out west. Now he only sleeps with it. GOOD BYE BABY DOLL, HELLO WOOLFIE!!!!

Jayden and Wolfie sleeping


mm said...

How sweet....